The Path to Net Zero: A Decarbonization Roadmap for California



加州的目标是在2045年之前实现公正和公平的能源转型,实现碳中和. That means removing as much carbon from the atmosphere as California produces. In the San Diego and southern Orange County region, 西班牙&E and many local cities also embrace carbon neutrality as their goal.

促进社区参与和全经济合作,以实现我们共同的气候目标, 西班牙&E已经发布了关于如何在经济脱碳的同时优先考虑电网可靠性的愿景, 可负担性和公平性. The Path to Net Zero: A Decarbonization Roadmap for California  lays out specific recommendations for the state to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. 

该路线图是第一个公开可用的分析,使用公用事业行业可靠性标准和行业特定规划工具来评估电力可靠性,以建模如何在2045年之前使加州脱碳.  Conducted with technical support from the Boston Consulting Group, Black & Veatch and UC San Diego Professor David Victor, 该研究的结论是,多样化的脱碳方法是必要的:清洁电力的组合, clean fuels (such as renewable natural gas and clean hydrogen), 去除碳.

We invite you to check out the study and collaborate with us to build a more decarbonized, 人人享有公平和负担得起的未来.


清洁、安全和可靠的电力是加州未来和经济繁荣的基础. To meet its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2045, California will need to decarbonize at 4.以过去十年的5倍速度增长,并将其电力系统容量增加到2020年的4倍左右. 为了支持交通和建筑的电气化,需要大幅扩大能源生产, which currently account for about 41% and 14% of California’s GHG emissions, 分别.*

在未来, electricity must be both clean and reliable, even as energy consumption increases dramatically.

The Path to Net Zero: A Decarbonization Roadmap for California 第一项研究是将公用事业行业可靠性标准应用于模型脱碳吗. 标准的, known as the one-in-ten loss of load expectation (LOLE), 如果电力系统因能源需求超过公司电力供应而停电的概率每10年少于一天,则认为该电力系统是高度可靠的.

随着用电量的增加, 加州需要额外的电力基础设施来支持脱碳和可靠性. 该路线图预测,加州将需要迅速增加其州内和进口可再生能源的组合, 实现可再生能源的地理多样化,并最大限度地减少天气事件的影响, 比如极热或极冷. 另外, 全州电网将需要整合更多的能源存储,以帮助平衡供需, as well as generation from 100% clean hydrogen combustion.

*加州空气资源委员会(CARB) 2000-2019年温室气体清单(2021年版,按经济部门划分).




Given record inflation, higher energy prices and the cost of living in California, 西班牙&E is acutely aware of the financial challenges facing our customers. The important work of decarbonization must be balanced with affordability. 为使更多的清洁能源创新并网所需的投资必须仔细规划,以确保该州的企业, residents and organizations can bear the costs and realize the benefits equitably.  

Affordability and equity are intertwined.  

To better understand future impacts of decarbonization on 可负担性和公平性, The Path to Net Zero: A Decarbonization Roadmap for California 住宅客户每年总能源开支的估计变化(仅为持续成本), including projected electric and gas utility bills, 还有运输成本, 随着时间的推移. 根据路线图, 到2045年,能够实现电气化并实际实现电气化的客户的持续能源成本可能与今天相似, 排除未来通胀影响. 然而, 成功的脱碳应确保每个人都能够采用脱碳技术,并从清洁能源转型中受益.


While progress is continuing to be made, 为了实现加州到2045年实现碳中和的目标,需要额外的监管和政策支持. The Path to Net Zero: A Decarbonization Roadmap for California makes the following recommendations on the regulatory and policy fronts: 

  • Maintain affordability and enhance equity 通过改革天然气和电力价格,探索公共项目的替代资金和回收机制, 支持低收入家庭,使他们能够从清洁能源转型中受益(例如), financial incentives to offset the upfront costs of buying an electric vehicle), and investing in training programs to redeploy affected workers.
  • 优先考虑电力系统可靠性 by incorporating it into long-term state planning, 实施区域传输组织,采用包容性技术解决方案.
  • Incentivize innovation and adaptability 鼓励研究与开发,支持有助于开发新兴技术的试点项目,以满足所需的脱碳步伐.
  • Enable the deployment of decarbonization infrastructure by simplifying regulatory reviews and the process to use federal lands, as well as mobilizing capital to support new developments.  




We are sharing the findings of our study, The Path to Net Zero: A Decarbonization Roadmap for California, 在公众场合与领导人广泛接触, 私人, 非营利组织和学术机构,因为我们认识到建立一个净零的未来不能单独完成. 西班牙&E已经并将继续与广泛的利益相关者合作,帮助地区和全州经济脱碳.  

In October 2020, we established a comprehensive sustainability strategy. 2021年3月, 我们承诺到2045年实现温室气体净零排放,从而巩固了我们的可持续发展承诺, in alignment with California’s climate goal. Our pledge involves reducing all three scopes of emissions, both those generated by 西班牙&E’s operations and our customers’ consumption of the energy delivered by us. 每年,可持续发展目标&E reports on our progress toward net zero. 我们将继续更新路线图和我们的可持续发展战略作为技术, 客户对创新的采用, 政策和法规不断发展. 

我们正在迅速扩大该地区的电动汽车充电网络,使居民和企业能够过渡到零排放车辆和设备, everything from electric cars and trucks to electric buses and forklifts. 到目前为止, 我们已经安装了3个以上,工作场所有200个充电口, multi-dwelling单位, 工作场所, 学校, 公园, the Port of San Diego and the San Diego Airport. 我们也在努力在2035年之前将我们自己的车队过渡到100%零排放车辆,这样我们就可以在我们社区开展业务时帮助减少空气污染.  
西班牙&E is building a diverse portfolio of energy storage solutions — including vanadium redox flow, 锂锰, lithium-ion phosphate and iron-salt flow batteries. These solutions will help  build grid reliability and help store surplus renewable energy. 所有的西班牙&E energy projects are connected to the state’s market, 这意味着加州独立系统运营商(CAISO)将能够随时调度能源,以平衡全州电网的供需. 
Climate Adaptation and Wildfire Mitigation 
安全, reliability and decarbonization are inextricably linked with wildfire safety. 野火威胁到电力基础设施的可靠性和安全性,并产生大量的温室气体排放和空气污染. 防止野火,可持续发展目标&在过去的十年里,E已经投资了30多亿美元,建立了一个行业领先的野火安全和气候适应计划. This includes undergrounding power lines, strengthening regional emergency preparedness, and improving situational awareness through advanced technologies such as live-streaming, fire-monitoring cameras and AI-based fire forecast models. 在过去的14年中,可持续发展目标&E equipment has not been the cause of any major wildfires. 
西班牙&E is a leader in integrating smart grid technologies, 包括超高速传感器, that help reduce outages and the duration of outages. 连续17年,可持续发展目标&E has been named the "Most Reliable 电 Utility in the West" and in 2021, 我们第二次被PA咨询公司评为“全国最可靠的电力公司”.


We value the voices of the residents, organizations and businesses in our region. If you have comments or feedback regarding our goals, our strategy or even concerns you may have around decarbonization, 请分享你的想法.

另外, if you want to be notified of updates on decarbonization, progress on our goals or other announcements, fill out the forms below to connect with us.


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